The binary tree could be constructed as below
Note : The order of processing the nodes is from the first to the last node in the given pre-order traversal to construct the root and the sub-trees.
Consider the below example in which a binary tree is constructed using the given In-Order and Pre-Order traversal.
Program to create a binary tree from a given pre-order and in-order tree traversal sequence.
from typing import List, Optional # for annotations
# pre_order_index = 0
class Node :
def __init__ (self, val=0, left=None, right=None) :
self.val = val
self.left = left
self.right = right
class Tree :
def __init__ (self, in_order_seq : List[int], pre_order_seq : List[int]) :
self.pre_order = pre_order_seq
self.in_order = in_order_seq
self.nodes = len(pre_order_seq)
# Use a dictionary to find the index of a node in the inorder sequence
self.map_in_order = {}
for index in range(self.nodes) :
self.map_in_order[in_order_seq[index]] = index
# global pre_ordex_index
self.pre_order_index = 0
# Recursively construct a binary tree from an in_order and pre_order sequence
def Construct (self, start : int, end : int) -> Optional[Node] :
# Check if all the nodes in the pre-order sequence are processed. i.e if end < start
if (start > end) :
return None
root = Node (self.pre_order[self.pre_order_index])
# Fetch the index of the root node in the in_order sequence
# to get the range of nodes in the left and right subtrees.
index = self.map_in_order[root.val]
# Process the nodes from left to right
self.pre_order_index += 1
# Recursively construct left sub-tree
root.left = self.Construct (start, index - 1)
# Recursively construct right sub-tree
root.right = self.Construct (index + 1, end)
return root
# Recursive function for inorder traversal
def In_Order_Traversal (root : Node) :
if (root) :
In_Order_Traversal (root.left)
print(root.val, end=' ')
In_Order_Traversal (root.right)
# Recursive function for preorder traversal
def Pre_Order_Traversal (root : Node) :
if (root) :
print(root.val, end=' ')
Pre_Order_Traversal (root.left)
Pre_Order_Traversal (root.right)
# Construct a binary tree from inorder and preorder traversals.
def BuildTree (in_order_seq : List[int], pre_order_seq : List[int]) -> Optional[Node] :
t = Tree (in_order_seq, pre_order_seq)
nodes = len(pre_order_seq)
return t.Construct (0, nodes-1)
def main() :
# Construct the following tree
# 10
# / \
# 12 30
# / / \
# 44 50 16
pre_order = [ 10, 12, 44, 30, 50, 16 ]
in_order = [ 44, 12, 10, 50, 30, 16 ]
print("\nGiven in-order traversal : ", end=' ')
for node in in_order :
print(node, end=' ')
print("\nGiven pre-order traversal : ", end=' ')
for node in pre_order :
print(node, end=' ')
root = BuildTree (in_order, pre_order)
print("\nIn-order traversal of the constructed tree : ", end=' ')
print("\nPre-order traversal of the constructed tree : ", end=' ')
if __name__ == "__main__" :
Given in-order traversal : 44 12 10 50 30 16
Given pre-order traversal : 10 12 44 30 50 16
In-order traversal of the constructed tree : 44 12 10 50 30 16
Pre-order traversal of the constructed tree : 10 12 44 30 50 16
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int val;
Node *left;
Node *right;
Node() : val(0), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) { }
Node(int x) : val(x), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) { }
Node(int x, Node *left_, Node *right_) : val(x), left(left_), right(right_) { }
class Tree {
vector<int> in_order;
vector<int> pre_order;
int pre_order_index;
unordered_map<int, int> map_in_order;
Tree (vector<int> in_order_seq, vector<int> pre_order_seq) {
in_order = in_order_seq;
pre_order = pre_order_seq;
pre_order_index = 0;
// Use an unordered_map to find the index of a node in the inorder sequence
for (int index = 0; index < pre_order_seq.size(); index++) {
map_in_order[in_order_seq[index]] = index;
// Recursively construct a binary tree from an in_order and pre_order sequence
Node* Construct (int start, int end) {
// Check if all the nodes in the pre-order sequence are processed. i.e if end < start
if (start > end) {
return nullptr;
Node* root = new Node (pre_order[pre_order_index]);
// Process the nodes from left to right
pre_order_index += 1;
/* Fetch the index of the root node in the in_order sequence
to get the range of the left and right subtree nodes. */
int index = map_in_order[root->val];
// Recursively construct the left sub-tree
root->left = Construct (start, index - 1);
// Recursively construct the right sub-tree
root->right = Construct (index + 1, end);
return root;
// Recursive function for inorder traversal
void In_Order_Traversal (Node* root) {
if (root != nullptr) {
In_Order_Traversal (root->left);
cout << root->val << ' ';
In_Order_Traversal (root->right);
// Recursive functioni for preorder traversal
void Pre_Order_Traversal (Node* root) {
if (root != nullptr) {
cout << root->val << ' ';
Pre_Order_Traversal (root->left);
Pre_Order_Traversal (root->right);
// Construct a binary tree from inorder and preorder traversals.
Node* Build (const vector<int>& in_order_seq, const vector<int>& pre_order_seq) {
int nodes = pre_order_seq.size();
Tree *t = new Tree(in_order_seq, pre_order_seq);
return t->Construct (0, nodes-1);
int main() {
/* Construct the following tree
/ \
12 30
/ / \
44 50 16
vector<int> pre_order = { 10, 12, 44, 30, 50, 16 };
vector<int> in_order = { 44, 12, 10, 50, 30, 16 };
cout << "Given in-order traversal : ";
for (const auto& node : in_order) {
cout << node << " ";
} cout << endl;
cout << "Given pre-order traversal : ";
for (const auto& node : pre_order) {
cout << node << " ";
} cout << endl;
Node* root = Build (in_order, pre_order);
cout << "In-order traversal of the constructed tree : ";
cout << "\nPre-order traversal of the constructed tree : ";
return 0;
Given in-order traversal : 44 12 10 50 30 16
Given pre-order traversal : 10 12 44 30 50 16
In-order traversal of the constructed tree : 44 12 10 50 30 16
Pre-order traversal of the constructed tree : 10 12 44 30 50 16
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Arrays;
class Node {
int val;
Node left;
Node right;
Node () { }
Node (int x) { this.val = x; }
Node (int x, Node left_, Node right_) {
val = x;
left = left_;
right = right_;
class Tree {
List<Integer> in_order;
List<Integer> pre_order;
HashMap<Integer, Integer> map_in_order;
int pre_order_index;
Tree (List<Integer> in_order_seq, List<Integer> pre_order_seq) {
in_order = new ArrayList<Integer>(in_order_seq);
pre_order = new ArrayList<Integer>(pre_order_seq);
map_in_order = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
pre_order_index = 0;
// Use an unordered_map to find the index of a node in the inorder sequence
for (int index = 0; index < pre_order_seq.size(); index++) {
map_in_order.put(in_order_seq.get(index), index);
// Recursively construct a binary tree from an in_order and pre_order sequence
Node Construct (int start, int end) {
// Check if all the nodes in the pre-order sequence are processed. i.e if end < start
if (start > end) {
return null;
Node root = new Node (pre_order.get(pre_order_index));
// Process the nodes from left to right
pre_order_index += 1;
/* Fetch the index of the root node in the in_order sequence
to get the range of the left and right subtree nodes. */
int index = map_in_order.get(root.val);
// Recursively construct the left sub-tree
root.left = Construct (start, index - 1);
// Recursively construct the right sub-tree
root.right = Construct (index + 1, end);
return root;
// Recursive function for inorder traversal
void In_Order_Traversal (Node root) {
if (root != null) {
In_Order_Traversal (root.left);
System.out.print (root.val + " ");
In_Order_Traversal (root.right);
// Recursive functioni for preorder traversal
void Pre_Order_Traversal (Node root) {
if (root != null) {
System.out.print (root.val + " ");
Pre_Order_Traversal (root.left);
Pre_Order_Traversal (root.right);
public static void main (String[] args) {
/* Construct the following tree
/ \
12 30
/ / \
44 50 16
List<Integer> pre_order_seq = Arrays.asList (10, 12, 44, 30, 50, 16);
List<Integer> in_order_seq = Arrays.asList (44, 12, 10, 50, 30, 16);
System.out.print ("Given in-order traversal : ");
for (int node : in_order_seq) {
System.out.print(node + " ");
} System.out.println();
System.out.print ("Given pre-order traversal : ");
for (int node : pre_order_seq) {
System.out.print(node + " ");
} System.out.println();
Tree t = new Tree (in_order_seq, pre_order_seq);
Node root = t.Construct (0, pre_order_seq.size() - 1);
System.out.print ("In-order traversal of the constructed tree : ");
System.out.print ("\nPre-order traversal of the constructed tree : ");
Given in-order traversal : 44 12 10 50 30 16
Given pre-order traversal : 10 12 44 30 50 16
In-order traversal of the constructed tree : 44 12 10 50 30 16
Pre-order traversal of the constructed tree : 10 12 44 30 50 16