Recursion : Program to search a word in a given 2 dimensional matrix of letters
using namespace std;
class WordSearch {
bool Search (int r, int c, int height, int width, string& word, vector<string>& board, int sz) {
// If the word size has reached the size of the word that we are looking for
if (sz == word.size()) return true;
// If the current search position goes beyond the board size or there is a character mismatch
if (r < 0 || c < 0 || r == height || c == width || board[r][c] != word[sz]) return false;
// Hash out the visited position as we don't want to visit it again
char ch = board[r][c];
board[r][c] = '#';
int left = Search (r-1, c, height, width, word, board, sz+1);
int right = Search (r+1, c, height, width, word, board, sz+1);
int up = Search (r, c+1, height, width, word, board, sz+1);
int down = Search (r, c-1, height, width, word, board, sz+1);
// Revert the modified character.
board[r][c] = ch;
return left || right || up || down;
// Below function returns true if the word [word] exist on the board
bool Exist (vector<string> board, string word) {
int rows = board.size();
int cols = board[0].size();
for (int r=0; r<rows; r++) {
for (int c=0; c<cols; c++) {
// Start search only if the 1'st characters of the word matches
if (board[r][c] == word[0]) {
if (Search (r, c, rows, cols, word, board, 0)) return true;
return false;
int main() {
WordSearch W;
vector<string> vec_1 = {{"ABCE"},
if (W.Exist(vec_1, "ABCCED") == 1)
cout << "Yes" << endl;
cout << "No" << endl;
vector<string> vec_2 = {{"AAAAA"},
if (W.Exist(vec_2, "AAB") == 1)
cout << "Yes" << endl;
cout << "No" << endl;
vector<string> vec_3 = {{"FGABG"},
if (W.Exist(vec_3, "FEGGGDCDDCGBAG") == 1)
cout << "Yes" << endl;
cout << "No" << endl;
vector<string> vec_4 = {{"FCDFFD"},
if (W.Exist(vec_4, "FBGCDCBFFF") == 1)
cout << "Yes" << endl;
cout << "No" << endl;
return 0;