Key points of Prim’s algorithm
Algorithm : Prims minimum spanning tree ( Graph G, Souce_Node S )
1. Create a priority queue Q of NodeCost objects ( node, cost ).
2. Push [ S, 0 ] ( node, cost ) in the priority queue Q i.e Cost of reaching the node S from source node S is zero.
3. While ( ! Q.empty() )
4. Object =; Q.pop()
5. Node N = Object.Node and Cost C = Object.Cost
6. If the node N is not present in the spanning tree
7. Add node N to the spanning tree.
8. Cost of the spanning tree += Cost C
9. For all the nodes adjacent to node N that are not in the spanning tree.
10. Push object ( adjacent node, cost ) into the Q
Example of finding the minimum spanning tree using Prim’s algorithm
Time complexity of Prim’s algorithm : O((E+V)log(V))
Java Prim’s minimum spanning tree algorithm
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Comparator;
class NodeCost {
int node; // Adjacent node
int cost; // Costance/cost to adjacent node
NodeCost (int node, int cost) {
this.node = node;
this.cost = cost;
class Prims {
int Find_MST(int source_node, List<List<NodeCost>> graph) {
// Comparator lambda function that enables the priority queue to store the nodes
// based on the cost in the ascending order.
Comparator<NodeCost> NodeCostComparator = (obj1, obj2) -> {
return obj1.cost - obj2.cost;
// Priority queue stores the object node-cost into the queue with
// the smallest cost node at the top.
PriorityQueue<NodeCost> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(NodeCostComparator);
// The cost of the source node to itself is 0
pq.add(new NodeCost(source_node, 0));
boolean added[] = new boolean[graph.size()];
Arrays.fill(added, false);
int mst_cost = 0;
while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
// Select the item <node, cost> with minimum cost
NodeCost item = pq.peek();
int node = item.node;
int cost = item.cost;
// If the node is node not yet added to the minimum spanning tree, add it and increment the cost.
if ( !added[node] ) {
mst_cost += cost;
added[node] = true;
// Iterate through all the nodes adjacent to the node taken out of priority queue.
// Push only those nodes (node, cost) that are not yet present in the minumum spanning tree.
for (NodeCost pair_node_cost : graph.get(node)) {
int adj_node = pair_node_cost.node;
if (added[adj_node] == false) {
return mst_cost;
public static void main(String args[]) {
Prims p = new Prims();
int num_nodes = 6; // Nodes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
List<List<NodeCost>> graph_1 = new ArrayList<>(num_nodes);
for (int i=0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
graph_1.add(new ArrayList<>());
// Node 0
Collections.addAll(graph_1.get(0), new NodeCost(1, 4), new NodeCost(2, 1), new NodeCost(3, 5));
// Node 1
Collections.addAll(graph_1.get(1), new NodeCost(0, 4), new NodeCost(3, 2), new NodeCost(4, 3),
new NodeCost(5, 3));
// Node 2
Collections.addAll(graph_1.get(2), new NodeCost(0, 1), new NodeCost(3, 2), new NodeCost(4, 8));
// Node 3
Collections.addAll(graph_1.get(3), new NodeCost(0, 5), new NodeCost(1, 2), new NodeCost(2, 2),
new NodeCost(4, 1));
// Node 4
Collections.addAll(graph_1.get(4), new NodeCost(1, 3), new NodeCost(2, 8), new NodeCost(3, 1),
new NodeCost(5, 4));
// Nod
e 5
Collections.addAll(graph_1.get(5), new NodeCost(1, 3), new NodeCost(4, 4));
// Start adding nodes to minimum spanning tree with 0 as the souce node
System.out.println("Cost of the minimum spanning tree in graph 1 : " + p.Find_MST(0, graph_1));
// Outgoing edges from the node:<cost, adjacent_node> in graph 2.
num_nodes = 7; // Nodes (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
List<List<NodeCost>> graph_2 = new ArrayList<>(num_nodes);
for (int i=0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
graph_2.add(new ArrayList<>());
// Node 0
Collections.addAll(graph_2.get(0), new NodeCost(1, 1), new NodeCost(2, 2), new NodeCost(3, 1),
new NodeCost(4, 1), new NodeCost(5, 2), new NodeCost(6, 1));
// Node 1
Collections.addAll(graph_2.get(1), new NodeCost(0, 1), new NodeCost(2, 2), new NodeCost(6, 2));
// Node 2
Collections.addAll(graph_2.get(2), new NodeCost(0, 2), new NodeCost(1, 2), new NodeCost(3, 1));
// Node 3
Collections.addAll(graph_2.get(3), new NodeCost(0, 1), new NodeCost(2, 1), new NodeCost(4, 2));
// Node 4
Collections.addAll(graph_2.get(4), new NodeCost(0, 1), new NodeCost(3, 2), new NodeCost(5, 2));
// Node 5
Collections.addAll(graph_2.get(5), new NodeCost(0, 2), new NodeCost(4, 2), new NodeCost(6, 1));
// Node 6
Collections.addAll(graph_2.get(6), new NodeCost(0, 1), new NodeCost(1, 2), new NodeCost(5, 1));
// Start adding nodes to minimum spanning tree with 0 as the souce node
System.out.println("Cost of the minimum spanning tree in graph 2 : " + p.Find_MST(0, graph_2));
Cost of the minimum spanning tree in graph 1 : 9
Cost of the minimum spanning tree in graph 2 : 6