Finding LCA in a binary tree using Recursion


To find the Lowest Common Ancestor of node A and node B do

  • Recursively traverse downwards the left sub-tree and right sub-tree of root.
  • Return matching node A, node B, or null to every parent node at the upper level.
  • If the nodes returned to a parent from the recursive traversal are node A and node B
    • then the parent node is the lowest common ancestor.

Example: We have to find the lowest common ancestor of node 1 and node 13.

As we recurse downwards in the left-subtree, data of the leaf node 1 matches with the data of node 1, hence

  • Node 1 returns node 1 to the parent node 3.
  • Node 3 returns node 1 to parent node 5.
  • Node 5 returns node 1 to parent node 9.

Similary As we recurse downwards, data of the leaf node 13 matches with the data of node 13, hence

  • Node 13 returns node 13 to the parent node 15.
  • Node 15 returns node 13 to parent node 18.
  • Node 18 returns node 13 to parent node 16.
  • Node 16 returns node 13 to parent node 9.

Note: Data of leaf nodes 7, 12 and 20 doesn’t match with the data of node 1 or node 13 hence each returns Null to the parent.

As the left sub-tree and the right sub-tree of the root (9) has node 1 and node 13 respectively, root (9) has to be the lowest common ancestor of node 1 and node 13.

Algorithm: GetLCA ( Root, Node A, Node B )

If ( Root == Null or Root.Data == (Node A).Data or
     Root.Data == (Node B).Data ) then
     return Root

LCA_From_Left = GetLCA ( Root.Left, Node A, Node B )
LCA_From_Right = GetLCA ( Root.Right, Node A, Node B )

If (LCA_From_Left != Null and LCA_From_Right != Null ) then
     return Root
If ( LCA_From_Left == Null )
     return LCA_From_Right
     return LCA_From_Left

Time complexity : O ( N ), where ‘N’ is the number of nodes in the tree. As this algorithm uses tree traversal like post-order where every node is visited only once, it gives us the time complexity of O ( N ).

Program for recursively finding the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) in a binary tree

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>

using namespace std;

class Node{
    Node(int n): data(n), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) { }
    Node(int n, Node * arg_left, Node * arg_right): data(n), left(arg_left), right(arg_right) { }
    Node * left;
    Node * right;
    int data;

Node * GetLCA (Node * root, Node * p, Node * q) {

    if (root == nullptr || root->data == p->data || root->data == q->data)
        return root;
    Node * left_lca  = GetLCA (root->left,  p, q); 
    Node * right_lca = GetLCA (root->right, p, q); 

    if (left_lca && right_lca)
        return root;

    if (left_lca == NULL)
        return right_lca;
        return left_lca;

/* Constructed binary tree is
             /   \
            5     16
           / \   /  \
          3  7  12   18
         /          /  \
        1          15   20

int main() {

    Node node_1(1, nullptr, nullptr);
    Node node_7(7, nullptr, nullptr);
    Node node_12(12, nullptr, nullptr);
    Node node_13(13, nullptr, nullptr);
    Node node_20(20, nullptr, nullptr);
    Node node_15(15, &node_13, nullptr);
    Node node_3(3, &node_1, nullptr);
    Node node_18(18, &node_15, &node_20);
    Node node_5(5, &node_3, &node_7);
    Node node_16(16, &node_12, &node_18);
    Node root(9, &node_5, &node_16);

    cout << "LCA of (1, 13)  : " << GetLCA(&root, &node_1, &node_13)->data << endl;
    cout << "LCA of (3, 7)   : " << GetLCA(&root, &node_3, &node_7)->data << endl;
    cout << "LCA of (12, 20) : " << GetLCA(&root, &node_12, &node_20)->data << endl;
    cout << "LCA of (15, 18) : " << GetLCA(&root, &node_15, &node_18)->data << endl;

    return 0;


LCA of (1, 13)  : 9
LCA of (3, 7)   : 5
LCA of (12, 20) : 16
LCA of (15, 18) : 18

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